3 minute read

This is a brief summary of the modeling process behind The Mine at Shadertoy.

The first objects that I added into the scene were the two rails. They are a pair of boxes that extend to infinity along the forward axis. I computed the distance to only the box on the right, and then I mirrored the space so as to achieve symmetry. I also carved an infinite cylinder with a very small radius at the inner part of the rails to add some detail.

Infinite rails along the Z axis. Notice the carving at the inner sides.

The code of the distance function to the rails is straightforward:

// distance from p to box with width b.x, height b.y, and border radius r.
float box(vec2 p, vec2 b, float r) {
  return length(max(abs(p)-b, 0.0)) - r;

float rails(vec3 p) {
  // mirrors the x axis and translates.
  vec2 q = vec2(abs(p.x)-1.0, p.y + 1.7);
  float d = box(q, vec2(0.1), 0.01); q.x += 0.2;
  // carves the cylinder.
  return max(d, 0.11 - length(q));

Below the rails I included some planks. They are rectangular prisms that repeat along the forward axis. Repetition can be achieved by applying modular arithmetic on the distance function of a box.

float box(vec3 p, vec3 b, float r) {
  return length(max(abs(p)-b, 0.0)) - r;

float plank(vec3 p) {
  vec3 q = vec3(p.x, p.y + 1.9, mod(p.z, 2.0) - 1.0);
  return box(q, vec3(1.5, 0.05, 0.2), 0.01);
Planks are repeated using modular arithmetic

The supports of the mineshaft are boxes that span to infinity on the appropriate axis. I used a shear mapping place them along a diagonal direction. Repetition is achieved by the use of mirroring and modular arithmetic.

float support(vec3 p) {
  // translation, mirroring, and modulo.
  const vec4 c = vec4(0.15, 0.2, 2.0, 1.2);  
  vec3 q = vec3(abs(p.x) - c.z, p.y - c.z, mod(p.z, 6.0) - 3.0);
  float d = box(q.xz, c.xx, 0.05);   // vertical support.
  d = min(d, box(q.yz, c.yx, 0.05)); // horizontal support.
  q.x += q.y + c.w; // shear mapping
  return min(d, box(q.xz, c.xx, 0.05)); // diagonal support.
Three infinite boxes are used to model the support structure
Mirroring and modular arithmetic create repetition

The last part was modelling the cave itself. I placed an infinite cylinder around the track as such that it cuts through the supports to hide their prolongations. I used a superquadric to have control over the roundness of the cave, and fractional brownian motion noise was used to add details to the walls.

float cave(vec3 p) {
  // superquadric
  const float k = 4.0;
  return 1.6-pow(pow(abs(p.x), k) + pow(abs(p.y), k), 1.0/k);

vec2 dist_field(vec3 p) {
  // warps the XY plane as a function of Z.
  p.xy += track(p.z); 

  // displacement mapping based on fractal brownian motion.
  float dist = cave(p) + fbm(p);
  dist = min(dist, support(p));
  dist = min(dist, plank(p));
  dist = min(dist, rails(p)); 
  return dist;
Superquadric surrounding the rails and support. Fractional brownian motion adds lots of detail inside the model.

The track function in the above code distorts the space as a function of depth to create a sense of an uneven path. I used a simple sum of sines and cosines to achieve the distortion.

vec2 track(float z) {
  float x = cos(0.2*z);
  float y = -cos(0.2*z) - 0.1*sin(0.8*z - 2.0);
  return vec2(x, y);
Sines and cosines distort the space along the forward axis

And that’s all of the modeling! As you can see, I’ve used only simple shapes together with Constructive Solid Geometry techniques to build the whole scene. I think it is really interesting how just a few lines of codes can add a lot to the output image. The shading of these models is based on a simple Lambertian and Phong model, and I used cube mapping to apply textures onto them. There’s nothing fancy, so I think most people can have a look at the code.